At TrailBound we have a saying…
“It’s ALL about the DOGS!”
Although we work at full time positions outside of the home (to support our furry friends) we dedicate most of our down time to training, competing and just enjoying time with our Berners. All of our dogs have competed in the Conformation ring, all have competed in Obedience in one form or another, most are pulling carts and competing in Draft competitions, some have been Therapy Dogs and all are great snugglers. We are striving to earn BMDCA Versatility Titles on all of our dogs (Championship, Obedience title, Draft title) which to us, represents a dog with both beauty, brains and temperament.
We are minimalists for the most part and believe that in general...Less is More. We believe in a carefully managed, minimal vaccination protocol; raw feeding whenever possible & feasible - and if it's not, a Premium Grain Free kibble will suffice; a late or delayed spay or neuter for our pet puppies; use of green and non-invasive cleaning supplies, fertilizers and even flea & tick control.
All of our puppies are well socialized and will be exposed to all sorts of safe but new experiences by the time they make it to your home. We expect all of puppy owners to continue along that path -- socialization and training are the keys to having a happy, well adapted Berner that you can take anywhere. Puppy Manners, Socialization Classes and/or Foundation Classes are a must for all of our puppy families.
When we decide to place a puppy in your home, please do not be offended if we determine which puppy will be yours. We live with these puppies for the first eight weeks of their little lives and carefully watch their personalities develop and grow. We also temperament test each puppy to help us determine which puppy will suit your lifestyle best. The last thing we want to do is place a highly energetic, exuberant puppy with a very mellow, low key family OR a quiet, laid back puppy with a family that rarely slows down.
“It’s ALL about the DOGS!”
Although we work at full time positions outside of the home (to support our furry friends) we dedicate most of our down time to training, competing and just enjoying time with our Berners. All of our dogs have competed in the Conformation ring, all have competed in Obedience in one form or another, most are pulling carts and competing in Draft competitions, some have been Therapy Dogs and all are great snugglers. We are striving to earn BMDCA Versatility Titles on all of our dogs (Championship, Obedience title, Draft title) which to us, represents a dog with both beauty, brains and temperament.
We are minimalists for the most part and believe that in general...Less is More. We believe in a carefully managed, minimal vaccination protocol; raw feeding whenever possible & feasible - and if it's not, a Premium Grain Free kibble will suffice; a late or delayed spay or neuter for our pet puppies; use of green and non-invasive cleaning supplies, fertilizers and even flea & tick control.
All of our puppies are well socialized and will be exposed to all sorts of safe but new experiences by the time they make it to your home. We expect all of puppy owners to continue along that path -- socialization and training are the keys to having a happy, well adapted Berner that you can take anywhere. Puppy Manners, Socialization Classes and/or Foundation Classes are a must for all of our puppy families.
When we decide to place a puppy in your home, please do not be offended if we determine which puppy will be yours. We live with these puppies for the first eight weeks of their little lives and carefully watch their personalities develop and grow. We also temperament test each puppy to help us determine which puppy will suit your lifestyle best. The last thing we want to do is place a highly energetic, exuberant puppy with a very mellow, low key family OR a quiet, laid back puppy with a family that rarely slows down.